Эссе по английскому языку: «Write a report on languages in your country эссе» заказ № 4454456

Эссе по английскому языку:

«Write a report on languages in your country эссе»

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1)Write a report on languages in your country. эссе 2) Write your story. эссе 3) Write a letter to apply for the job. Describe your experience, qualities and skills and ask questions. 4) Write a website entry for your old school or university. Give your news and describe your experiences. 5) «The Greatest Invention», using phrasal verbs. эссе На 300 слов каждая тема

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Эссе по английскому языку: «Write a report on languages in your country эссе»
  • Тип Эссе
  • Предмет Английский Язык
  • Заявка номер 4 454 456
  • Стоимость 1000,0 руб.
  • Уникальность 70%
Дата заказа: 02.12.2019
Выполнено: 03.12.2019

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«Write a report on languages in your country эссе»

Report on Languages in Your Country

Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a reflection of a country's culture and history. In this report, we will explore the diverse linguistic landscape of our country, examining the languages spoken by its inhabitants and their significance.

  1. Official Languages: We will start by looking at the official languages of our country, considering their status and importance in various domains such as education, government, and media.
  2. Regional Languages: Next, we will delve into the rich tapestry of regional languages spoken in different parts of the country, highlighting their unique features and cultural relevance.
  3. Indigenous Languages: It is essential to discuss the indigenous languages of our country, as they are repositories of traditional knowledge and heritage. We will explore the efforts being made to preserve and promote these endangered languages.
  4. Immigrant Languages: Given the diverse immigrant population in our country, we will also examine the immigrant languages spoken by different communities, their impact on society, and the phenomenon of language blending.
  5. Language Policy: Finally, we will touch upon the language policy of our country, discussing issues such as language rights, bilingual education, and the challenges of language preservation and revitalization.

Your Story

Everyone has a unique story to tell, shaped by their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. In this essay, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your personal journey, highlighting key moments that have defined who you are today.

Letter to Apply for a Job

Writing a compelling job application letter is crucial in showcasing your qualifications and suitability for a position. In this letter, you will craft a persuasive narrative about your experience, qualities, and skills, while also posing relevant questions to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the job.

Website Entry for Your Old School or University

Reconnecting with your alma mater is an opportunity to reminisce about the past and share your achievements since graduating. In this website entry, you will provide updates on your life, describe your experiences at your old school or university, and express gratitude for the formative education you received.

Essay on "The Greatest Invention" Using Phrasal Verbs

Exploring the theme of "The Greatest Invention" through the creative use of phrasal verbs adds depth and dynamism to your writing. In this essay, you will showcase your command of phrasal verbs while expressing your thoughts on what you consider to be the most significant invention in human history.

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