Эссе на английском на 200-230 слов. Тема бредовая, но ... такое задание
Благодарю за помощь! В отсутствии времени, помогли!
Спасибо за работу! как всегда, все быстро и качественно
Автор справился со своей работой хорошо, но есть один недочёт! Нету толкового заключения, пришлось дописывать самому, преподаватель оценил работу на 9/10.
Все в срок и по теме. Спасибо!
Очень круто написано, спасибо))
все хорошо
Отличная работа, спасибо большое!
Работа выполнена в срок, что очень радует!
Спасибо большое!
In the modern society, the role of police in crime prevention is a topic of ongoing debate. Some argue that the police are not effective in solving crimes and therefore, are not needed. However, a closer examination of the functions and responsibilities of the police reveals the importance of their presence in maintaining law and order.
Law enforcement agencies play a crucial role in preventing criminal activities and apprehending offenders. Through their presence in communities, police officers deter potential criminals from committing illegal acts. Patrol officers, for instance, serve as a visual deterrent to criminal behavior and respond to emergency situations promptly.
Furthermore, the police are responsible for investigating crimes, collecting evidence, and building a case against suspects. Detectives utilize their skills and resources to solve complex cases and bring perpetrators to justice. This investigative process is essential in ensuring that criminals are held accountable for their actions.
In conclusion, while some may question the effectiveness of the police in crime prevention, their role in maintaining public safety and upholding the rule of law cannot be understated. By evaluating the strategies and tactics employed by law enforcement agencies, it becomes evident that the police play a vital role in ensuring the security and well-being of society.
Тип: Эссе
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Тип: Эссе
Предмет: перевод и переводоведение
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Предмет: перевод и переводоведение
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