предмет:менеджмент 12-15 стр в Чехии клиент новейшие авторы в системе менеджмента, которые публикуются в журналах и книгах лит обзор. обхор не менее 40 источников стандартные состовляющие : цели методы, конструкция тема Social techniques in manadgment. Автор поймет. Свое эссе я прикрепила. я хочу не исправить свое эссе, а совсем новое написать замечание руководителя по старому варианта:Это замечания преподавателя.Hello Mrs. Israilova, thank you for submitting your study for the Management exam. I have read it through and I have got a few comments on it. Also enclose a copy with my remarks in the text and also highlighted text, which does not seem to be formulated correctly. 1/ The text submitted is not a review of literature as it was supposed to be ... It is a kind of mixture of compilation of various (mostly rather old fashioned) resources and your comments 2/ The text is divided into 4 parts: Introduction (where one would expect the explanation of the reasons, why you have chosen this particular topic ... which is actually not); The theoretical and methodological basis (where, in review papers should be the scope, selection criteria and procedure adopted in the preparation of the sources which will be reviewed; it is just one paragraph without any specification; one paragraph only is just too short to provide enough information about the way you have approached the topic); Discussion - usually this part follows after the findings, here apparently it is the findings, Conclusion - this should assess your findings against the objectives (again only a paragraph). And it does not as the study does not seem to have any objectives. 3/ Even review papers have their objectives - this would probably help you to stay in focus: the paper title brings to the attention Social Methods in Management ... but the paper does not deal with them ... I can hardly find any of these methods in the text (despite the fact, that we agreed upon a different topic ... but you may want to change, I do not mind) 4/ The use of literature: a) there is a citation norm ISO 690 you should be using, and you are not; b) 20 references is not many for this type of study - twice as much at least will be acceptable; c) only 1 out of the sources you have used, is younger than 15 years.... vast majority are very old publications; very little of the sources are the publications in high quality journals (one or two?) ... with the open access to major journals in the field provided to PhD students free of charge I do expect you to use them; d) a number of references is missing in the text. 5/ The paper would benefit from a clear definition of the topic .....and this would also help you with the choice of literature to be reviewed for this purpose. Overall: the paper does not meet the requirements for the Management exam. I would like to encourage you to re-write it (perhaps consult it with your supervisor) and re-submit it. Hello Mrs. Israilova, thank you for submitting your study for the Management exam. I have read it through and I have got a few comments on it. Also enclose a copy with my remarks in the text and also highlighted text, which does not seem to be formulated correctly. 1/ The text submitted is not a review of literature as it was supposed to be ... It is a kind of mixture of compilation of various (mostly rather old fashioned) resources and your comments 2/ The text is divided into 4 parts: Introduction (where one would expect the explanation of the reasons, why you have chosen this particular topic ... which is actually not); The theoretical and methodological basis (where, in review papers should be the scope, selection criteria and procedure adopted in the preparation of the sources which will be reviewed; it is just one paragraph without any specification; one paragraph only is just too short to provide enough information about the way you have approached the topic); Discussion - usually this part follows after the findings, here apparently it is the findings, Conclusion - this should assess your findings against the objectives (again only a paragraph). And it does not as the study does not seem to have any objectives. 3/ Even review papers have their objectives - this would probably help you to stay in focus: the paper title brings to the attention Social Methods in Management ... but the paper does not deal with them ... I can hardly find any of these methods in the text (despite the fact, that we agreed upon a different topic ... but you may want to change, I do not mind) 4/ The use of literature: a) there is a citation norm ISO 690 you should be using, and you are not; b) 20 references is not many for this type of study - twice as much at least will be acceptable; c) only 1 out of the sources you have used, is younger than 15 years.... vast majority are very old publications; very little of the sources are the publications in high quality journals (one or two?) ... with the open access to major journals in the field provided to PhD students free of charge I do expect you to use them; d) a number of references is missing in the text. 5/ The paper would benefit from a clear definition of the topic .....and this would also help you with the choice of literature to be reviewed for this purpose. Overall: the paper does not meet the requirements for the Management exam. I would like to encourage you to re-write it (perhaps consult it with your supervisor) and re-submit it. Yours sincerely,
Работу приняли, менеджер помог на каждом этапе оформления, спасибо ему и автору. Все хорошо, вы супер.
Всегда все отлично, спасибо! Буду пользоваться ещё, обязательно!
Отличное эссе. Выполнено в срок, все требования и условия были соблюдены автором, оригинальность работы соответствовала заявленной. Даже исправлять в работе ничего не пришлось. Оценка-отлично!
Всё сдано в срок, работа соответствует требованиям, спасибо за помощь!
Спасибо большое за оперативную помощь.
Спасибо большое за работу! Материал для эссе написан грамотно, достаточно полезной информации и выдержаны все требования. Вы мне очень помогли, однозначно буду заказывать работы здесь ещё <3
все хорошо, спасибо автору и сервису заочник
Отличная работа! Все хорошо расписано, соответствует требованиям
Спасибо большое за работу, были недостатки в выполнении, но менеджер правильно все организовала и работа была закончена в срок. Приятно иметь дело с такими грамотными специалистами.
Быстро. Качественно. Разумная цена. Огромное спасибо!
In the modern business world, management practices are constantly evolving to ensure the success of organizations. One crucial aspect of effective management is the utilization of social techniques to enhance communication, collaboration, and teamwork within the workplace. This essay delves into the various social techniques employed by managers to improve organizational performance and achieve strategic goals.
The essay will cover the following key points:
By exploring these topics, this essay aims to provide insights into how social techniques can be leveraged by managers to create a productive and harmonious work environment. Additionally, the essay will discuss case studies and real-world examples to illustrate the practical application of social techniques in management.
Тип: Эссе
Предмет: Английский
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Стоимость: 3200 руб.
Тип: Эссе
Предмет: Английский
Стоимость: 400 руб.
Тип: Эссе
Предмет: Английский
Стоимость: 2400 руб.
Понятие «интеллектуальная собственность» впервые появилось в XVIII веке во французском законодательстве. В те времена ведущей была теория естественного права, суть которой сводилась к тому, что все производимое человеком, творческие и материальные объекты труда, являлось его собственностью. Заключа….
Читать дальшеСодержание объекта преступления рассматривалось еще со времен римского права, которое считало, что объект преступления представляет собой важную характеристику, которая дает возможность выделить и отличить в общей массе противоправных действий преступления частного или публичного характера.Решение ….
Читать дальшеПосле того, как столичный гарнизон поддержал сторону восставших, Верховная Ставка была вынуждена приступить к решительным мерам для того, чтобы затушить революцию в Петрограде.27 февраля 1917 года Николай II с помощью начальника штаба Ставки - генерала М. В. Алексеева распорядился выдвинуть в Петро….
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